23 June 2009

Hard Work

As many of the readers know (if anyone still reads since we've been so lax posting), Zach and I are getting married in about a week and a half on the 4th of July. While its a mad dash and lots of hard work to get all the loose ends tied up, including a second functional bathroom, its been a lot of fun. We've made scads of progress on our updating of the house that we hadn't planned to do for some time, the yard is looking nice and despite my impatience, things are really coming together.

The rest of the week will be getting the bathroom functional and finished and final touches on the yard. Over the weekend we'll have to do all the cleaning we've been neglecting, but then starting Monday night with the arrival of the first guests, we'll be able to devote the week to friends, family and enjoying ourselves.

Well, back at it; more wine research for the wedding to do. I told you this was hard work!

22 June 2009

Making up for lost time

Since we haven't posted in a while, one of the other major developments in our lives is that we bought a house. While its under renovation and in constant progress, pictures can be seen here.

Summer Solstice

Yesterday was the solstice and longest day of the year. For Anchorage that meant the sun came up at 4:20 a.m. and set at 11:22 p.m. Zach and I certainly made the most of it with more work on the house, wedding preparations and drinking wine. All in all, not a bad way to spend the solstice.

21 June 2009

Queue up one Buff Orpington and one Barred Rock Hen

Coming soon to our shores (and never posted about new house), eggs from the as-yet unnamed fine-feathered fowl friends:

the barred rock hen -
the buff orpington (RIP, a victim of Honey the dog):

Any name suggestions?